How to program a simple homebrew micro:bit-based Robot

This afternoon I assembled a simple micro:bit mobile robot.

It uses the Kitronik motor driver board and some Adafruit motors.

I like the Kitronik board. It's easy to use, well documented, and the build quality is good.

I'll be making some minor mods over the next couple of days. It needs a ToF Lidar sensor to make sure it doesn't bump into things and I plan to power it from a phone charger battery with an additional on-off switch.

I'll use a second micro:bit to control it via radio.

Update! There are now four articles in this series, and the robot has been named. It's called Anastasia.

Here are the articles:

1. This introduction.
2. An short update when I released the initial code on GitHub.
3. A detailed walk-though of the controller code.
4. A detailed walk-through of the code that runs on the robot.

Simple control code

The test code I wrote to check the wiring was very simple.

from microbit import *

left = (pin16, pin0)
right = (pin8, pin12)

forward = (0, 1)
backward = (1, 0)
coast = (0, 0)
brake = (1,1)

def set(side, direction):
    for i in range(2):
# wait for button A to start
while True:
    if button_a.is_pressed():

set(left, forward)
set(right, forward)
set(left, brake)
set(right, brake)
set(left, backward)
set(right, backward)
set(left, brake)
set(right, brake)

Clued up soon

In the longer term I'll replace the micro:bit with an Adafruit Clue and add some more intelligence.


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