Benchmarking process for TF-TRT, and a workaround for the Coral USB Accelerator
A couple of days ago I published some benchmarking results running a TF-TRT model on the Pi and Jetson Nano. I said I'd write up the benchmarking process. You'll find the details below. The code I used is on GitHub . I've also managed to get a Coral USB Accelerator running with a Raspberry Pi 4. I encountered a minor problem, and I have explained my simple but very hacky workaround at the end of the post. TensorFlow and TF-TRT benchmarks Setup The process was based on this excellent article , written by Chengwei Zhang . On my workstation I started by following Chengwei Zhang's recipe. I trained the model on my workstation using and then copied trt_graph.pb from my workstation to the Pi 4. On the Raspberry Pi 4 I used a virtual environment created with pipenv , and installed jupyter and pillow . I downloaded and installed this unofficial wheel . I tried to run step2.ipynb but encountered an import error. This turned out to be an old TensorFl