
Showing posts from March, 2020

Build details for Anastasia

I've uploaded pdf files with full build instructions for Anastasia the micro:bit robot and the power strip I made for her. These are free/immediate downloads, no email required. Links: Build Anastasia the micro:bit robot Power Strip Build Guide

Bill of Materials for Anastasia - build instructions coming soon.

I've added a Bill of Materials for Anatasia the home brew micro:bit robot in her GitHub project . They are in the project README. I'll add building instructions here and on GitHub over the week-end. Meanwhile, here is a video showing her in action:

Driving Anastasia's Kitronik motor controller via radio

Anastasia with the controller This is the fourth in a series of articles about Anastasia - a home-brew robot based on the micro:bit. In my previous post I shared the micropython code that runs on Anastasia's remote micro:bit controller. The controller can send one of five commands to Anastasia : stop applies a brake to the motors. left spins the robot anti-clockwise. right spins the robot clockwise. forward ( you guessed it1) drives the robot forwards. backward also does what you'd expect. In this post I'll step through the code than implements these commands on Anastasia. The code looks for incoming radio messages. It translates those messages into methods on a Driver class. These methods then send control signals to the  Kitronik motor controller. Here's Anastasia's code The code starts with the necessary imports, and then begins the definition of the Driver class. from microbit import * import radio class Driver: "&quo

Controlling Anastasia from a second micro:bit

This is the third in a series of four articles about Anatasia, a home-brew micro:bit based robot. Here's the full list of articles: 1. The original article introducing the robot. 2. A short update when I released the code on GitHub. 3. This detailed walk-though of the controller code. 4. A detailed walk-through of the code that runs on the robot .  The code for Anatasia and her controller is finished. It's simple and it's all working well. You control Anastasia via a separate hand-held micro:bit, which communicates using the micro:bit's built-in radio. You tilt the controller and Anastasia responds by advancing, retreating or spinning to the left or right. Anastasia stops when you hold the controller level. Here's the controller code: Controller Code   The controller code starts with a bit of set-up from microbit import * import radio radio.on() # The critical value for tilt detection. # A lower value makes the controller more sensitive.

Anastasia is a simple home-brew robot - now on GitHub

Anastasia V1 Anastasia (my latest home-brew robot) is now on GitHub . The code is described in a series of articles on this blog. I've listed them at the end of this post. I've made rapid progress with Anastasia and will do more work on her today. Anastasia is currently driven by a pair of micro:bits. The motor is managed by an on-board micro:bit connected to a Kitronik motor controller and I control Anastasia over radio using a second micro:bit. Anastasia is working, but needs some minor enhancements to the code and electronics. I may also need to replace the motors which run a bit unevenly. Once I've done the upgrades I'll post a video of Anastasia in operation. Soon I'll replace the on-board micro:bit by an Adafruit clue which will be controlled via Bluetooth. Eventually I'll add an on-board camera. Articles in this series: 1. The original article introducing the robot. 2. This short update. 3. A detailed walk-though of the controller c

How to program a simple homebrew micro:bit-based Robot

This afternoon I assembled a simple micro:bit mobile robot. It uses the Kitronik motor driver board and some Adafruit motors. I like the Kitronik board. It's easy to use, well documented, and the build quality is good. I'll be making some minor mods over the next couple of days. It needs a ToF Lidar sensor to make sure it doesn't bump into things and I plan to power it from a phone charger battery with an additional on-off switch. I'll use a second micro:bit to control it via radio. Update! There are now four articles in this series, and the robot has been named. It's called Anastasia. Here are the articles: 1. This introduction. 2. An short update when I released the initial code on GitHub . 3. A detailed walk-though of the controller code. 4. A detailed walk-through of the code that runs on the robot . Simple control code The test code I wrote to check the wiring was very simple. from microbit import * left = (pin16, pin0) right = (pi