
Showing posts from April, 2015

The Greenhouse project - Websockets, Pi, Wireless, Arduino

I went along to the Raspberry Pint meetup last night. It's a lively and friendly group, and I'll be going again next month. I'd been asked to do a lightning talk, and gave an update about my Greenhouse monitor project. The background My wife and I have an allotment that's just over half a kilometre from our flat. On it there's a greenouse. At this time of year the greenhouse is full of tender seedlings and my wife likes to protect them from fluctuations in temperature. I've been working on a remote battery-powered monitor which will live in the  greenhouse and transmit temperature data over wireless (not WiFi) to a Raspberry Pi at home. The Pi will log the data and display historic values on a website which we can view from a browser or smartphone. Testing the range I'm currently using a +Wireless Things  XinoRF talking to a Slice of Radio board attached to the Pi. I need to verify that the transmitter is powerful enough to send a signal that t

Covent Garden Jam rocks!

Yesterday's Raspberry Jam at Covent Garden was amazing. The Dragon Hall was packed with Raspberry Pi enthusiasts of all ages and the whole event pulsed with energy. I ran the Shrimping It! workshop  with some very welcome help from Jim Darby (@HackerJimbo). I'd never had a group that large, and I'd managed to bring the wrong glasses, so Jim saved the day. By the end of the day we had lots and lots of LEDs blinking under program control, and lots of experimenters who'd discovered how breadboards work and what a capacitor looks like. The organisers did a fantastic job, and made everyone very welcome. I'll certainly be going again. The next Covent Garden Jam will be on 20th June, and I've got the date in my diary.

Shrimping It at Covent Garden tomorrow

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's session at the Covent Garden Raspberry Jam. There's lots to see and do. The Minecraft session is bound to be popular, and I'll be running another Shrimping It! workshop. Making the Shrimp The Shrimp (created by Cefn Hoile and friends) is a simple, low-cost Arduino clone on a breadboard. Workshop participants pay £10, for which they get a kit of parts, a breadboard, and a USB programmer, and a copy of Making the Shrimp. That's a low-cost e-book which contains a step-by-step illustrated guide to building the Shrimp. ( Disclosure - I wrote it). We've limited numbers to 20, as that's the largest group size I can comfortably manage. The tickets sold out a couple of weeks ago, so we're expecting a full house! Shrimping on your own If you haven't booked for tomorrow's workshop, you can buy the parts from the Shrimping It! website and build it on your own. The parts cost just over £10 including po

Raspberry Pi and Pints at Potton

I'm off to Potton tomorrow for a Pint or two at the Rising Sun with fellow Raspberry Pint enthusiasts. These informal sessions are run by Mike Horn and Tim Richardson, who also organise the excellent CamJams. If Pi and Pints appeal, there are still a few tickets available on Eventbrite . The event is free, and the tickets are there to make sure the room at the pub doesn’t get overcrowded. A gardening project I'll be taking along a project for my wife's greenhouse. It involves linking a Pi at home to a XinoRF in the greenhouse at her allotment using wireless radio. The Pi uses wireless things ' Slice of Radio. The XinoRF (also from wireless things ) is a wireless-enabled Arduino clone. The basic set-up now works well, but getting it going has been trickier than I expected. I'll be describing the mistake I made and its simple solution in next week's edition of my free newsletter, along with additional details of the software at each end. You can subsc