Arduino rocks!
I've fallen in love with the Arduino.
This amazing piece of hardware brings micro controllers to the masses. It was designed for non-geeks who want to do physical computing, but it's turned out to be just as popular with geeks.
The Arduino provides a fun, inexpensive, easy-to-use platform for electonics and robotics. Best of all, it's open source - part of a radical extension of the open-source concept from the software world to the world of hardware.
I'm currently working on a family of low-cost electronic test equipment, driven by an arduino and connected by an I2C™ bus. I'll be using an attached PC for graphical display.
I'll blog about progress here. I will open-source and publish the hardware and software designs, and may even offer parts kits if there's enough interest.
(Image from Wikipedia - placed in the public domain by its author).
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