Timings and Code for Spiking Neural Networks with JAX
I've been encouraged to flesh out my earlier posts about JAX to support 27DaysOfJAX.
I've written simulations of a Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuron in *Plowman's* (pure) Python, Python + numpy, and Python + JAX.Here's a plot of a 2000-step simulation for a single neuron:
![]() |
Plot for a single neuron |
The speedups using Python, Jax and the JAX jit compiler are dramatic.
Pure Python can simulate a single step for a single neuron in roughly 0.25 µs. so 1,000,000 neurons would take about 0.25 seconds.
numpy can simulate a single step for 1,000,000 neurons in 13.7 ms.
Python, JAX + JAX's jit compilation can simulate a single step for 1,000,000 neurons in 75 µs.
Here's the core code for each version.
# Pure Python def step(v, tr, injected_current): spiking = False if tr > 0: next_v = reset_voltage tr = tr - 1 elif v > threshold: next_v = reset_voltage tr = int(refactory_period / dt) spiking = True else: dv = ((resting_potential - v) + (injected_current * membrane_resistance)) * (dt / tau_m) next_v = v + dv return next_v, tr, spiking # numpy import numpy as np def initial_state(count): potentials = np.full(count, initial_potential) ts = np.zeros(count) injected_currents = na * (np.array(range(count)) + 1) return injected_currents, potentials, ts def step(v, tr, injected_current): rv = np.full_like(v, reset_voltage) dv = ((resting_potential - v) + (injected_current * membrane_resistance)) * (dt / tau_m) spikes = v > threshold next_v = np.where(spikes, rv, v + dv) refactory = tr > 0 next_v = np.where(refactory, rv, next_v) next_tr = np.where(refactory, tr - 1, tr) R_DUR = int(refactory_period / dt) next_tr = np.where(spikes, R_DUR, next_tr) return next_v, next_tr, spikes # JAX (the only difference from numpy is the import) import jax.numpy as np def initial_state(count): potentials = np.full(count, initial_potential) ts = np.zeros(count) injected_currents = na * (np.array(range(count)) + 1) return injected_currents, potentials, ts def step(v, tr, injected_current): rv = np.full_like(v, reset_voltage) dv = ((resting_potential - v) + (injected_current * membrane_resistance)) * (dt / tau_m) spikes = v > threshold next_v = np.where(spikes, rv, v + dv) refactory = tr > 0 next_v = np.where(refactory, rv, next_v) next_tr = np.where(refactory, tr - 1, tr) next_tr = np.where(spikes, R_DUR, next_tr) return next_v, next_tr, spikes # JAX jitting from jax import jit jstep = jit(step)
Jupyter Notebooks containing the full code can be found at https://github.com/romilly/spiking-jax
All the timings were run on an Intel® Core™ i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz with 15.6 GiB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2 running Linux Mint 20.2, JAX 0.2.25 and jaxlib 0.1.73 with CUDA 11 and CUDANN 8.2.
I have successfully run the code on a Jetson Nano 4 Gb.
All the timings were run on an Intel® Core™ i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz with 15.6 GiB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2 running Linux Mint 20.2, JAX 0.2.25 and jaxlib 0.1.73 with CUDA 11 and CUDANN 8.2.
I have successfully run the code on a Jetson Nano 4 Gb.
I've added the Nano timings to the GitHub repository.
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