I've just been experimenting with the Teensy 3.0, and it's fantastic. The teensy 3.0 is the latest member of Paul Stoffregen's teensy family. The teensy boards are USB-based micro-controller development environments, like the Arduino but teensy :) Three reasons why I like teensy 3.0 ARM Hardware Arduino Software It's breadboard-friendly ARM Hardware with lots of extra functionality Early versions of the teensy used Atmel AVR chips, like the Arduino, but the teensy 3.0 uses an ARM processor. The teensy 3.0's CPU is a 32-bit MK20DX128 Cortex-M4 from Freescale. You can run it at up to 96 MHz. That's six times faster than the clock on a typical Arduino, and the speed is matched by plenty of memory for program and data. There's space for 128K bytes of program in flash and 16K bytes of data in RAM. As an added bonus, teensy 3.0 has plenty of pins, both general-purpose and specialised: 34 general-purpose GPIO pins, of which 12 can be used as a...